

来源: | 发布日期:4个月前 | 浏览次数:







  1. **需求分析**:接到项目后,缘通租赁的专业团队第一时间与学校负责人进行了深入沟通,详细了解了考场布局、信号强度要求及租赁时长等具体需求,为后续的设备配置与布局提供了精准依据。

  2. **设备选型与配置**:根据学校需求,缘通租赁精心挑选了多款高性能手机屏蔽仪,这些设备不仅能够有效屏蔽手机信号,还具备智能调节功能,确保在不影响考场周边正常通信的前提下,实现最佳屏蔽效果。同时,团队还制定了详细的设备布局方案,确保每个考场都能得到全面覆盖。

  3. **安装调试**:在考试前一周,缘通租赁的技术人员携带专业设备抵达学校,按照既定方案进行安装调试。他们不仅迅速完成了设备的安装与调试工作,还耐心地为学校工作人员提供了操作培训,确保他们能够在紧急情况下自行处理简单问题。

  4. **现场保障**:考试期间,缘通租赁安排专人驻守学校,随时准备应对可能出现的突发情况。得益于前期的充分准备与现场人员的专业应对,整个考试过程中未发生任何因手机信号干扰而影响考试秩序的情况。






  **English Version (Simplified)**

  **Successful Case of Mobile Phone Signal Blocker Rental in Shangqiu, Henan Province**


  In todays rapidly digitizing world, mobile phones and other wireless communication devices have become an integral part of our daily lives. However, in certain specific occasions such as exams, important meetings, or confidential areas, the interference of mobile phone signals can become a non-negligible issue. Shangqiu City, Henan Province, has witnessed how Yuantong Rentals professional mobile phone signal blocker rental service solved this problem for various enterprises, institutions, and individuals, ensuring the smooth progress of events.

  **Case Background**

  Last autumn, a prestigious high school in Shangqiu City prepared for its annual mid-term exams. To maintain the fairness and seriousness of the exams, the school management decided to introduce mobile phone signal blocking technology. Considering the high cost of purchasing equipment and the uncertainty of future usage frequency, the school opted for a rental service. Among many rental providers, Yuantong Rental stood out with its extensive industry experience, efficient service response, and professional equipment configuration.

  **Service Implementation**

  1. **Needs Analysis**: Upon receiving the project, Yuantong Rentals professional team immediately communicated with the schools representatives to understand the specific needs, including examination hall layouts, signal strength requirements, and rental duration, providing a solid foundation for subsequent equipment configuration and layout.

  2. **Equipment Selection & Configuration**: Based on the schools requirements, Yuantong Rental carefully selected high-performance mobile phone signal blockers. These devices could effectively block mobile phone signals while featuring intelligent adjustment functions to ensure minimal impact on surrounding normal communications. A detailed layout plan was also formulated to ensure comprehensive coverage in each examination hall.

  3. **Installation & Debugging**: A week before the exams, Yuantong Rentals technicians arrived at the school to carry out installation and debugging according to the plan. They swiftly completed the work and patiently trained the school staff on operation, ensuring they could handle simple issues in emergencies.

  4. **Onsite Support**: During the exams


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